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Bylaws of the CDP Computer and Internet Caucus

The Computer and Internet Caucus was formed to harness the power of the Internet and communication technology in the furtherance of Democratic ideals, issues, and legislation, to assist Democratic Clubs, Assembly Districts, and grassroots Democratic organizations, and to help elect Democratic candidates
Article I – Policy and Goals
Section 1 – It shall be the policy of this caucus, in the execution of all endeavors, to contribute to the growth and influence of the Democratic Party, to establish and maintain a Democratic online community, and to promote the party and all party candidates for Democratic leadership throughout the state and nation.

Subsection 1, Any issues not specifically covered by these by-laws shall be governed by the By-laws of the California Democratic Party. In case of conflict in the By-laws, the CDP By-laws will be the governing document. The Computer and Internet Caucus specifically recognizes its� obligations to adhere to the General Provisions of the CDP By-laws

Section 2 – We further resolve to assist and encourage California Democrats, including clubs, assembly districts, county, and grassroots organizations to get online and establish a communication network.

Section 3 – We shall hold workshops and programs to educate and train California Democrats to access online services, utilize online and internet resources, and gather political information.

Section 4 – We have established and will maintain a World Wide Web presence (site) to disseminate information, support candidates, announce events, and establish links to other Democratic sites on the Internet.

Section 5 – We shall assist Democratic legislative organizations and legislators in establishing an online presence, e-mail addresses, or other computer or internet-related activity.

Section 6 – We shall facilitate the organization of the Democratic online community and provide support, especially prior to elections.

Section 7 – We shall schedule online conferencing and debate for our membership and all other interested Democrats.

Section 8 – We shall maintain a relationship with the State Party and assist in disseminating party information to our members and the Democratic online community.

Article II – Membership
Section 1 – Membership shall include those persons who are registered Democrats with an interest in communication technology and the Internet and who supports the mission of this caucus.

Section 2 – Only those persons who are registered Democrats shall be eligible for full membership. They will be entitled to all membership privileges upon payment of annual dues.

Section 3 – Members and non-members shall be eligible to participate in online discussions and meetings but voting and holding office shall be restricted to members only.

Section 4 – This caucus supports non-discrimination in membership, including gender, race, creed, sexual orientation, age, persons with disabilities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or income level. We are inclusive.

Article III – Membership Dues
Section 1 – The amount of dues payable for membership shall be established by the Executive Board by simple majority at an officially designated and noticed executive board meeting. Notice of intent to raise dues shall be established in writing to the membership prior to the actual increase in annual dues.

Section 2 – Membership dues are renewed at the State Convention for the period of a full year.

Section 3 – This caucus waives any dues for economic hardship.

Article IV – Executive Board
Section 1 – The officers, chairpersons, immediate past chairpersons, and committee officers shall constitute the Executive Board. Any member of the executive board may be removed following three consecutive absences from noticed meetings or three unexcused absences during the calendar year. Absences may only be excused by the Chairpersons.

Section 2 – The Executive Board shall meet no less than six times during the calendar year, including online meetings, for the purpose of planning and directing the activities and policies for the calendar year.

Section 3 – A plurality of members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. No proxies shall be allowed.

Section 4 – Special meetings of the Board may be called by any of the members of the board but special meetings will not be subject to the absence or excused policy.

Section 5 – Expenditures above the amount of $50.00 must be authorized by the Executive Board.

Article V – Officers
Section 1 – The officers of the CDP Computer and Internet Caucus will be elected at the first state convention of the calendar year and shall hold office until the third state convention held the third odd numbered year.

Section 2 – The offices and officers shall be: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, Recording and Corresponding Secretary, and four Executive Board officers.

Section 3 – Duties of officers.

A. Chairs (Vice-Chairs)

1. The position of Chair shall be held by a member of the California Democratic State Party Central Committee. The Chairperson is the Caucuses representative to the Executive Board of the CA. Democratic Party State Central Committee. The Vice-Chair shall reside in the opposite section of the state as the chair resides.
2. The southern section of the state shall be comprised of the counties of Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Ventura.
3. The northern section of the state shall be comprised of the remaining counties of the state.
4. The Vice-Chair shall preside over the meeting held in his or her region, if he or she is present.

B. Treasurer

1. The Treasurer shall:
a. Collect dues from the membership.
b. Keep the financial records of the caucus.
c. File quarterly financial reports with the Treasurer of the Democratic State Party to comply with the law.
d. File the appropriate federal and state campaign disclosure reports.
e. Solicit and oversee fundraising in the name of the Democratic Party consistent with the By-Laws and purposes of the Democratic Party.
f. Sign all checks as authorized by the Executive Board.
g. Comply with all of the state and federal reporting laws.

C. Secretary

1. The Secretary shall:
a. Accurately maintain all membership records, e-mail addresses, and documents relating to the caucus.
b. Attend all online and regular executive board meetings and take minutes of the proceedings.
c. Receive, record, and answer regular or e-mailed communications.
d. Provide notice of meetings and online discussions to executive board members and the membership.

D. Executive Board Officers

1. Executive Board officers will serve as committee chairs for policy, organization, and action committees such as Social Media Coordinator, Technical Officer, Task Force Chair, and other official positions.

Section 4 – Should a member elected as an officer of the caucus cease to be a member for any reason, such a vacancy must be filled within 60 days of the vacancy. The executive board shall be empowered to fill any vacancies that occur until the next election.

Section 5 – Officers or Board members may be removed from office and/or E-Board by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 6 – Officer candidates must have been registered caucus members for one full term (two years).� Chair candidates must have signed attendance to all meetings for one full term (two years).
All candidates must also be DSCC members by election or appointment.

Article VI – Meetings
Section 1 – Regular meetings of the membership will be held at the State Party Convention and at the California State Party Executive Board meetings each calendar year.

Section 2 – Special online meetings and discussions will be noticed at least a week in advance by e-mail and/or other mutually agreed upon methods and be open to members and all interested parties.

Section 3 – No secret ballots shall be allowed on any matter in the CDP Computer and
Internet Caucus.

ARTICLE VII � Election of Officers

Section 1.

All elective officers shall be elected at the first meeting of each Democratic State Central Committee, held for organizational purposes in the odd numbered years following the general elections.
Section 2.

All elective officers shall be elected by a simple majority of the members present and voting at the election meeting and in the case of uncontested elections, by acclamation.

Section 3
All candidates for office must be duly credentialed members of the Democratic State Central Committee of the California Democratic Party.

Section 4.
A candidate for any office shall file a notice of intent-to-run for that office. The notice must be received by the Secretary of the Caucus by 11:55 PM of the day which is 7 calendar days prior to the meeting of the Caucus at which elections are to be held. If no Secretary exists, the notice may be filed with the Chairperson. Following the close of nominations for officers, no additional nominations shall be permitted, except for an office for which no person has been nominated prior to the close of nominations or for which all persons nominated have withdrawn. All candidates for Caucus Chair must have been members of this Caucus for the last two years,
Chair candidates must have signed attendance to all meetings for one full term (two years) prior to the election meeting and all officer candidates must be members in good standing of the organization at the time of election.

Article VIII – Caucus Records and Reports
Section 1 – The caucus shall maintain adequate and correct accounts, books, and records of all caucus activities. All such books and records shall be maintained by the appropriate constitutional officer.

Section 2 – Such books and records shall be open to inspection by officers and members in good standing at all times for purposes approved by the Executive Board upon giving adequate and reasonable notice before said inspection.

Section 3 – There shall be a bi-annual report of membership and accounting given to the Executive Board and an annual report to membership at the state convention at the beginning of the calendar year.

Article IX -Endorsements
Section 1 – The caucus may not endorse, and is prohibited from endorsing, candidates for partisan public office unless the candidate has received “official endorsement”, is supported by, and pursuant to, the By-laws of the California Democratic Party, the State Democratic Central Committee, and all official units of the California Democratic Party.

Section 2 – The caucus may not endorse candidates for public office that are not members of the California Democratic Party pursuant to the By-laws of the California Democratic Party, the State Democratic Central Committee and all official units of the California Democratic Party.

Section 3 – Unless a candidate had received an “official endorsement”, all motions of support, recommendations or other expressions of approval, no matter how denominated, shall be out of order at any caucus meeting.

Article X – Amendments
Section 1 – Amendments to the bylaws may be initiated by the Executive Board or by a written petition signed by 5% of eligible members.

Section 2 – The Executive Board shall consider such recommendations and petitions and make additions or changes supported by a majority of board members.

Article X – Parliamentary Procedures
Section 1 – All proceedings not covered in this Constitution of Bylaws shall be governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Certified Amended Bylaws� 11/14/2009